Nero serial thumper
Nero serial thumper

Named Toughie, his species had been wiped out by chytridiomycosis, a fungal disease that has been devastating frogs throughout the Americas and Australia. The Rabb's fringe-limbed tree frog was reduced to a single known specimen in 2012.Spix's Macaw, the kind in Rio, was eventually reduced to just one animal in the wild (over 80 currently survive in captivity).Encephalartos woodii is a species of cycad native to Africa and is one of the rarest plants on earth with only one tree of its kind housed in the Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew, London (all clones of the plant are housed in private botanical collections around the world including Britain, Ireland, America, and Italy).This is a species of palm tree with only one known member in the world, in a garden in Mauritius. Hyophorbe amaricaulis, the Loneliest Palm.Most tragically, the recorded song was only half of the mating call: Kauaʻi ʻōʻōs mated for life and sang a duet- the conspicuous, empty pauses in the last recording were supposed to be where the female would chime in. The song was from a male, singing a mating call to female that sadly, would never come. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology recorded the song of the last Kauaʻi ʻōʻō bird before its death in 1987."Booming Ben", the last known living specimen of Heath Hen ( Tympanuchus cupido cupido), was heard for the final time on March 11, 1932, on Martha's Vineyard, still hopefully drumming to try to attract a mate.The animal died of exposure to the elements because there was a strike at the zoo and he was locked outside with no shelter during a period of extreme daily highs and nightly lows because nobody remembered to open the door to his pen. Only a few months prior, the species had received protection.

nero serial thumper

The last Tasmanian Tiger, "Benjamin" note No actual records confirming that the individual was called by this name have ever been found, nor are there records of the man who made the claim having ever actually been an employee of the zoo, died in the Hobart Zoo in 1936.Lonesome George, the very last Pinta Island Tortoise died on June 24, 2012.

nero serial thumper

  • The last Passenger Pigeon, Martha, died in 1914 at Cincinnati Zoo after outliving her two male companions as a very honored, but alone, bird.
  • nero serial thumper

    There's a term for the last members of a species - they're called endlings. Far, far too many extinct and critically endangered species.

    Nero serial thumper